Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Response of First Order System – (Sinusoidal response)

Response of First Order System – (Sinusoidal response) 


The objective of this experiment is to study the response of first order subjected to sinusoidal response. To achieve this objective, the apparatus shown in the figure 2 was used. The maximum temperature reached in the thermobath and thermowell are 50 ◦C and 42 ◦C respectively. The minimum temperature reached in the thermobath and thermowell are 32 ◦C and 36 ◦C respectively. The period of oscillation is 60 sec. Initial amplitude and output amplitude of first order sinusoidal response is 9 ◦C and 3 ◦C respectively. The amplitude of the system is 0.333. The frequency of oscillation (ω) is 0.105 radian/sec. Time constant from amplitude ratio is 27.03 sec. the phase lag is 60 ◦C. time constant from phase lag is 3.05 sec. 


SINUSOIDAL INPUT- This function is represented mathematically by the equations

 Where A is the amplitude and   is the radian frequency [1]. The radian frequency is related to the frequency f in cycles per unit time by ω = 2πf. Figure 1 shows the graphical representation of this function. The transform is 


To study the response of a first order system subjected to a sinusoidal response.

4. Experimental Setup
First order sinusoidal set-up
The apparatus consist two thermometer. First thermometer is for thermowell and second is for thermobath. Water is flowing continuously. Water level indicator is attached to the vessel contacting heating coil.

5. Procedure

1.      Start the clean water supply by opening the inlet valve of heating bath and maintain constant water flow through the heating bath. Keeping constant level in “Water head” indication tube can ensure this. 
2.      Insert the thermometer and thermo well in heating bath. 
3.      Ensue that cyclic timer is set to @30 seconds on time and @30 seconds off time. Switch on Mains to heat the water in heating bath.
4.      After some time observe sinusoidal response of the heating bath temperature on thermometer.  The amplitude (temperature range) can be changed by adjusting water flow rate and period can be changed by adjusting on time, off time of the cyclic timer. (Period = On time + off time)
5.      At steady state note amplitude ratio and phase lag (Refer observations)

6. Results and Discussions

Above figure shown the first order sinusoidal response. Temperature of the bath and thermowell represent on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. The maximum temperature reached in the thermobath and thermowell are 50 ◦C and 42 ◦C respectively. The minimum temperature reached in the thermobath and thermowell are 32 ◦C and 36 ◦C respectively. The period of oscillation is 60 sec. Initial amplitude and output amplitude of first order sinusoidal response is 9 ◦C and 3 ◦C respectively. The amplitude of the system is 0.333. The frequency of oscillation (ω) is 0.105 radian/sec. Time constant from amplitude ratio is 27.03 sec. the phase lag is 60 ◦C. time constant from phase lag is 3.05 sec.


The maximum temperature reached in the thermobath and thermowell are 50 ◦C and 42 ◦C respectively. The minimum temperature reached in the thermobath and thermowell are 32 ◦C and 36 ◦C respectively. The period of oscillation is 60 sec. Initial amplitude and output amplitude of first order sinusoidal response is 9 ◦C and 3 ◦C respectively. The amplitude of the system is 0.333. The frequency of oscillation (ω) is 0.105 radian/sec. Time constant from amplitude ratio is 27.03 sec. the phase lag is 60 ◦C. time constant from phase lag is 3.05 sec.


1. Coughanowr D., LeBlanc S., ‘Process Systems Analysis and Control’, Mc-Graw Hill Science Engineering Math, 2nd Edition, 2008, P-87-92.
1. Coughanowr D., LeBlanc S., ‘Process Systems Analysis and Control’, Mc-Graw Hill Science Engineering Math, 2nd Edition, 2008, P-92-97